Transformation Church Shifted My Mindset: The Significance on #GodlyRelationships

What are you willing to give up to elevate yourself to the next level?

A friend of mine sent me a great sermon about Godly relationships last October. Pastor Michael Todd preached that if we want to commit to having these types of relationships, this type of inner circle, we must commit to sacrificing something.

I shared with my followers that there are four raw elements that every person needs to reach purpose. Two of the four elements include: recognizing and cultivating your purpose, then identifying those who help you walk in your purpose. Part of finding those who walk in your purpose is understanding that God will place you in front of the right people to take you where you need to be.

If you’re going to have a godly relationship you need to have an incline of encouragement in these relationships. Meaning, our relationships should be with people who push you to climb to heights you never thought you could reach. Sometimes it’s not our circumstance, but rather: our surroundings.

What are you willing to give up to elevate yourself to the next level?

My mindset, and life has continued to evolve since then. To say that it shifted “drastically” is a little harsh, because I have always had an awakened sense of self, but it was as if the pieces around me began to shift in a different way. I am also writing in hindsight, which is much clearer, as I always say. I truly hold near and dear those around me. Yet, I am very aware that not everyone is going to make it through the journey, and I’m okay with that. I don’t rack my brain around the idea, I don’t puzzle myself with possibilities, and I never have. I don’t so much as leave the door open these days. That’s because I have a heightened sense of clarity.

I understand what I bring to the world, my walk with Christ, and where I intend to lead on this journey. Those who surround me are those who fan my flames. Now, that doesn’t mean they hype me up from the sidelines all day long, instead, they want to see me grow. They are eager to empower, and we keep each other grounded.

Transformation Church sermons continue to expand my paradigm, and strengthen my relationship with Christ. Pastor Michael Todd, specifically, relays the Word in consumable bites, and uses relevant examples that stick with us. I love having friends who enjoy them, as well, and when there is a word on my heart, I send them out, too. Having like-minded interests, such as the love for Christ is truly invaluable. I continue to see the works of Christ through them each day.