Welcome! I'm Obianuju Olivia.
Hi, there! You may be wondering why you’re here, and you may be wondering why I’m here! Look to the cosmos for those answers, because clearly, you’re tuned in! Or drastically confused as to how you got here. Either way, I appreciate you. You could have been anywhere in the world on your web browser, but you’re choosing- knowing me, it may not be a choice - to be here! Thank yeeeeww!!
This website is just me. All about me, where I can do whatever I want, and write whatever is on my heart. I like to write, and it’s not fair for my journalSSSS to get all the good stuffings! This is my gift to you! Now, you get to read my thoughts that are typically kept to the lack of choice upon my sister’s ears! Here, you will find a lot of recycled and original content, long-form prose derived from social, and a generally relaxed persona aside from my #BOSSBABE lifestyle.
If I wake up and write, so be it. If I feel overwhelmed by the spirit, I will express that. If I choose to share prose from my journals, I will indulge. Thank you for always being a part of my journey, or just hopping on the #JuTrain! (Shouts to the #JuHive!) I’m an anomaly of sorts. I’m still Just Ju, I am still forever The Uj, but most innately, I am Obianuju Olivia.