Allow God to Make a Home Where You Think He Can't #EliminatingFootpaths
I would like to talk a little bit about “footpaths” right now. You may be wondering why such an ancient concept would prove any relevance right now, in the 21st century, or even for you and I. Well, a footpath is an area that has been consistently treaded, to the point that it seemingly does not have the ability to produce any type of greenery. A footpath never has the intention of being a “sidewalk” a “bike lane” or anything of that nature. It is an area that was walked on once, twice, thrice, and so forth until the ground became baron by force, but not by intention.
Footpaths are a subdued phenomenon that also exist in our everyday lives. We all have footpaths: areas in our life that we think are so far gone that God cannot breathe life into said spaces. For me, that space is: control. The need for control in me is so far suppressed, but occasionally it does rear its ugly head. And not in traditional ways in which I want control of others. It’s in areas that only I can control such as my weight, my look, my work ethic, my timeliness, my articulation, etc. (As I write this, I realize those are the basic makings of a “Type A personality.” Lol.)
I’ve given myself so much grace in instilling in myself that as soon as I do as much as I can do, I release it. I have so many mantras that may seem so whimsical to the ear, but are, in fact, to the trained ear, about releasing control. I.e. Much Ado About Nothing. Que Sera Sera. Dolce Far Niente. And more. All of these and more are draped across my social, and other areas of my life because they truly reign true in my strides.
Through teachings, I understand God works best when we release control. Control. What is it to release control? Again, we can’t think of it in the most extreme sense of controlling another being. Let’s think about it on the surface, such as trying to achieve your most favored outcome for a position you think you deserve or losing head space over likes on Instagram. In either of those situations, you cannot control the outcome.
As the concept of footpaths kept popping in my head over and over this week, it made me think about areas that were seemingly footpaths before, but as soon as I let God into those spaces, that area became fertile soil. It happened with my anxiety at a young age, and in hindsight, I see exactly how God worked through me in an area that was a major footpath in my life. I prayed against it then because I was simply tired, and I could not make sense of the overwhelming sensation and extreme upset stomach.
We need to be GIANTS in our faith. We must pray against those areas that we think God doesn’t have a place, subconsciously or consciously. By having faith that God can work miracles in those areas, it allows Him the opportunity to make a home. It may not happen to anyone else, but it only needs to happen to YOU. Have the Faith that God will make it happen for you.