Plot Twist: I’m Not Interested in a God-Fearing Man #ThatsMyType
This title may shock you, but I hope, ultimately, you, at least, consider this thought.
When I evaluate my list of qualities for an ideal partner, and I check my list twice, I am certain that I do not want a God-fearing man. The thought of “fearing,” to me, simply suggests complicity. When we fear something, we operate in restraint. While, I think an iota of fear is healthy in relationships, typically in the fear of outcomes, relationships work best with a majority aura of reciprocity. That is the same with Christ. As I have stated before, and will constantly reiterate: our relationship with the Lord must be symbiotic.
When we fear God, we obstruct the concept that we can be friends of the Lord. I believe there is a song that speaks to that notion. When you’re a good friend of someone, you trust them, you take honor in their word, you rely on them, you spend time with them, and most importantly, you confide in them. Christ is our creator who knows or beginning, and our end. He knows our hearts, our thoughts, and our actions. There isn’t any hiding of our truest selves. Knowing that, we have a choice to make: Will we include Christ in our daily actions, or will be only call on Him when we seek refuge or a respite? When we come to the Lord without fear of judgement of condemnation, we allow opportunity for an open, two-way relationship with our friend, Jesus Christ.
When I think about fearing Christ, I think about an agenda-bearing method. While this may not always be the case, fear typically follows restrictions. I think about it as though when I was in Catholic school, and whatever the administration told us we couldn’t do - that was exactly what we wanted to do. Maybe we never thought about driving around campus, sitting on the top of our cars, but because they told us we shouldn’t, that’s exactly what we did that day. Maybe you didn’t have that experience, but I am sure growing up, there were restrictions that your parents tasked you with whenever they weren’t home, and as soon as you saw a window of opportunity, you tested your freedom.
Sometimes with rules and regulations, as well, we think that if we follow them to a T, that we cracked the code to achieving an ultimate result. There isn’t a sure fire way to get into heaven. We were all born sinners. Restricting oneself, whether it be from cursing, alcohol, secular music, or even sex, in fear, doesn’t make one Christian better than the next. In fact, pitting oneself, in pride, against the next, is considered sin.
2 Corinthians 10:12
“Not that we dare to classify or compare ourselves with some of those who are commending themselves. But when they measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding.”
Instead of a God-Fearing Man, I seek a Steward of God. I am interested in a fellow servant of Christ to help build the Kingdom of God. Building the Kingdom of God is not an easy task, and God asks for warriors, instead of followers. Fearing God simply isn’t enough, when action is needed to re-present the Kingdom and spread the Good Word. While, fear, suggests complicity, steward promotes action. This includes taking action in local communities, reacting to injustices, and echoing as a voice for the silenced. When I see a Steward of God, I see a willfulness and joy demonstrated in doing the Lord’s work daily.
While, I applaud present-day Martyrs, when we act without fear of lashes, we allow ourselves to be Joan of Arcs of our time in the pursuit, without fear.